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  3. The XNUMXth Kawagoe Go Festival

Holding period: 2023/11/03 (Friday)

The XNUMXth Kawagoe Go Festival

⏰ Date and time: November XNUMX, XNUMX (Friday / holiday) XNUMX:XNUMX-

📌Place: Renkeiji Temple (7-1 Renjakucho, Kawagoe City)

📞Inquiries: 049-245-3439 (Mail: igomachi@ki-la.net)

👇 Please refer to the flyer below for participation application for XNUMX faces and Yasashii igo course 👇

💴 Participation fee: Hyakumen Festa XNUMX yen / Yasashii igo course XNUMX yen