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"Kawagoe Kimono Day" sponsorship store map created

2021.09.22 Information

-The 8th day of every month is "Kawagoe Kimono Day"-

Under the slogan "Kawagoe, a town that suits kimono", the 8th, 18th, and 28th of every month are "Kawagoe Kimono Day".
Those who walk around Kawagoe in kimono and yukata (excluding Jinbei and Samue) on Kawagoe Kimono Day can use various services at each of the sponsor shops in the city. (* There are stores that are eligible for service only on some limited days)

We have created a map of the sponsored stores of "Kawagoe Kimono Day" and a list of sponsored services 👘 (as of September 2021: 9 sponsored stores)

This data is below and the association HP "Map downloadPlease use it as it is posted on the page.

[Kawagoe Kimono Day Sponsorship Map]
(Click the image)

[List of services sponsored by Kawagoe Kimono Day]
(Click the image)