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  3. 17th Koedo Kawagoe Amateur Chindon Festival in Clare Mall

Holding period: 2024/02/04 (Sun)

17th Koedo Kawagoe Amateur Chindon Festival in Clare Mall

🌈Returning for the first time in 4 years🎊Chindon shops will gather at Claire Mall Shintomicho Shopping District✨

Yes 📅Sunday, February 2024, 2 4:4pm - XNUMX:XNUMXpm

   * Light rain

Where 📌Kawagoe Claire Mall Shintomicho Shopping District / Maruhiro Department Store Front Square(2-6-1 Shintomicho, Kawagoe City)   

For more information, here.Please take a look🔍

👇Click on the image to enlarge👇